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Nieuw en Tweedehands

Worthweill Originals

Marine Band of the Royal Netherlands Navy

CD   1 disc(s)   01-09-2019

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€ 22.95
Drager: CD
Maatschappij: Outhere
Label: Channel Classics
Barcode: 0723385420194
Artikelcode: 5C2330
Suffix - prefix: 42019 CCS

Marine Band of the Royal Netherlands Navy, Major Arjan Tien

Embarking on a series of recordings of classical originals for symphonic wind band is an adventurous quest. We decided to compile German-Austrian gems on this second volume, illustrating the development and expansion of the symphonic wind band of nearly one-and-a-half centuries: from Beethoven (1810) to Hindemith (1951).

Richard Strauss composed Variationen über ‘Wilhelm von Oranien’ in 1892. The former principal conductor of the Marine Band of the Royal Netherlands Navy, major Pieter Jansen, rediscovered this work in the archives of the Royal House of the Netherlands in 1999. It became our National Anthem in 1932, but the melody dates back to at least 1572. Another work on this CD that was published only twenty years ago is the beautiful and virtuosic Nocturne by Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy. Two marches by composers no less than Beethoven and Bruckner, should naturally be included on a CD by a military band, representing a different and lesser-known part of their repertoire.

We conclude our journey with three twentieth century German Austrian giants: Paul Hindemith, Arnold Schoenberg and Kurt Weill.

In 2017 the Marine Band of the Royal Netherlands Navy appointed maestro Arjan Tien as its principal conductor and music director. Musicians and critics alike appreciate his interpretations for their warmth, energy and sensitivity, and he is widely considered to be one of the most versatile conductors of his generation.

 Marsch und Trio für Militärmusik WoO20, 'Zapfenstreich'

 March in E flat major

 Symphony in B flat major for Concert Band

 Overture for wind instruments 'Harmoniemusik', Op. 24

 Theme and Variations, Op. 43a

Strauss, R:
 Variations on 'Wilhelm von Oranien'

Weill, K:
 Kleine Dreigroschenmusik

De Marinierskapel der Koninklijke Marine startte vorig jaar met Rimsky & Co Originals een serie cd’s vol originele composities voor blaaskapel. Na Rusland richt het gezelschap onder leiding van majoor Arjan Tien de blik nu op Duitsland en Oostenrijk. Verrassende werken van Mendelssohn, Beethoven, Bruckner en Schönberg staan naast de even verrassende Variaties over het Wilhelmus van Richard Strauss en een schitterend arrangement van Kurt Weill zelf van delen uit zijn Dreigroschenoper. Een cd die bewijst dat de Nederlandse blaastraditie op het allerhoogste internationale niveau staat.