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Nieuw en Tweedehands

Telemann: Concertos & Cantata Ihr Volker Hort


.. Cantata Ihr Volker Hort

CD   1 disc(s)   01-01-2016

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€ 22.95
Extra info: .. Cantata Ihr Volker Hort
Drager: CD
Maatschappij: Outhere
Label: Channel Classics
Barcode: 0723385386162
Artikelcode: 5C2296
Suffix - prefix: 38616 CCS

Clare Wilkinson (mezzo soprano) & Ensemble Florilegium

 Concerto in E major for flute, oboe d'amore, viola d'amore & strings
 Concerto TWV 52:a1 in A minor for recorder, viola da gamba, strings & b.c.
 Concerto TWV 51:D2 in D major for transverse flute, strings & b.c.
 Ihr Völker, hört, TWV 1:921
 Quartet TWV 43:a3 (Concerto) in A minor for flute, oboe, violin & b.c.
 Overture in F major, TWV55:F16

‘A marriage made in heaven’, zo noemde het Engelse Gramophone de vertolkingen van het werk van Telemann door het Britse ensemble Florilegium. De eerste cd van het in 1991 opgerichte gezelschap was direct aan Telemann gewijd. Dus nu het ensemble zijn 25-jarig bestaan viert en Telemann in 2017 250 jaar dood is, kon een nieuwe Telemann-cd niet uitblijven. En de concerten plus de cantate Ihr Völker hört klinken uit de instrumenten van Florilegium nog steeds als een ‘hemels huwelijk’. Wie beweerde ook alweer dat Telemann minder was dan Bach…?


With this compilation CD, which we offer together with our new Telemann Concerto CD as a “special edition”, we hope to share with you the diversity of our recorded repertoire to date, and allow you to dip in to many of our back catalogue recordings, giving you a snapshot of our life as recording artists. Selecting the tracks took some considerable time and unlike some of our previous compilation CDs I was keen to choose a programme of music that makes sense musically and that can be listened to as a recital rather than “Florilegium’s greatest hits"!

"Wilkinson’s softly convivial and articulate singing communicates the cheerful Epiphany text. Solomon takes centre stage in a flute concerto in D major (TWV51:D2), but my ears were drawn equally to the sympathetic continuo-playing of theorbist David Miller and harpsichordist Terence Charlston."
Gramophone Magazine - September 2016

"It’s the performers themselves who bring such freshness and vivacity to Telemann’s charming music."
Early Music Today - June 2017 ****

"Florilegium has already shown its sensibility to and affection for Telemann’s music…Difficult though it is to single out any particular work, I would commend the A major Trio for flute, obbligato harpsichord and continuo for the sensuous, caressing charm of its slow movements and for the light-hearted spirit of its two faster ones. I hasten to add, though, that it is a first among equals."
BBC Music Magazine - August 2018 *****